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import icons my_background = Rectangle (color = ['orange', 'pink', 'white']) Circle (height=50, width = 50, color = ['red', 'coral'], x = 95, y = 5) Circle (height=45, width = 45, color = ['coral', 'brown'], x = 95, y = 5) Circle (height=40, width = 40, color = ['brown', 'coral'], x = 95, y = 5) Circle (height=35, width = 35, color = ['red', 'coral'], x = 95, y = 5) Circle (height=30, width = 30, color = ['coral', 'brown'], x = 95, y = 5) Circle (height=25, width = 25, color = ['brown', 'coral'], x = 95, y = 5) Circle (height=20, width = 20, color = ['red', 'coral'], x = 95, y = 5) Circle (height=15, width = 15, color = ['coral', 'brown'], x = 95, y = 5) Circle (height=10, width = 10, color = ['brown', 'coral'], x = 95, y = 5) Circle (height=5, width = 5, color = ['red', 'coral'], x = 95, y = 5) Circle (height=2, width = 2, color = ['coral', 'brown'], x = 95, y = 5) Circle (height=1, width = 1, color = ['brown', 'coral'], x = 95, y = 5) icons.Star (height = 5, width = 5, color = ['white', 'yellow', 'white'], y = 5, x = 60) icons.Star (height = 5, width = 5, color = ['white', 'yellow', 'white'], y = 14, x = 47) icons.Star (height = 5, width = 5, color = ['white', 'yellow', 'white'], y = 20, x = 57) my_rocket = icons.SpaceShuttle (rotation = 315, color = ['lightslategray','lightgrey'], height = 15, width= 15, x=10, y=90) with animation (duration=3): my_background.color = ['black', 'orange'] my_rocket.x = 125 my_rocket.y = 90