


  • Variable: information you can store for use later. This can be changed and redefined as needed.
  • Mathematical operators: symbols that perform pre-defined operations.
  • Type: classification of information.
    • Number: any number. Can only include digits and the decimal point.
    • String: any mix of letters, numbers, or symbols. To set a String value, use quotes around your value (for example: “Hello world!”)
    • Boolean: True or False. We’ll discuss this data type more later!
  • Function: a procedure or routine. These can be defined by the programming language or even by you! We will discuss creating your own functions in the Functions lesson.
    • A couple examples we cover here are Text() and type()

What is a variable?

  • Save information to use it later!
  • Set the value of a variable using the equal sign
    • For example: var = 2 sets a variable named var to the value 2
  • Mathematical operators are allowed when using variables of the same type

Mathematical operators

  • Use + to add
  • Use - to subtract
  • Use / to divide
  • Use * to multiply

Types of variables

  • Numbers
    • 1.02
    • 58
    • -30902838.7892223
  • Strings
    • “Code Shrew”
    • “Hello!$#mcknxknck”
    • “123”
  • Booleans
    • True
    • False
  • Check the type of any variable using the type() function

Variables can change if needed!

  • As you code longer scripts, you will find it useful to change the variables you have stored rather than creating another variable.
  • You can increase a variable’s value or even redefine it completely.
