# Number of stripes
numberOfStripes = 13
# Width of a stripe
widthOfStripe = 5

Rectangle(color='red', height=numberOfStripes*widthOfStripe, y=numberOfStripes*widthOfStripe/2)

for i in range(1, numberOfStripes // 2 + 1): 
	Rectangle(color='white', height=widthOfStripe, y=widthOfStripe*(2*i-.5))

# Size of the blue square
sizeOfSquare = 6.5 * widthOfStripe

Square(color='blue', height=sizeOfSquare, width=sizeOfSquare, x = sizeOfSquare/2, y = sizeOfSquare/2)

import icons

# Number of rows
rowsOfStars = 5
# Number of columns
columnsOfStars = 10
# Size of a star is 1/10th of the blue square
sizeOfStar = sizeOfSquare / columnsOfStars

for row in range(0,rowsOfStars):
    for col in range(0,columnsOfStars):
		icons.Star(color='white', width=0.7*sizeOfStar, height=0.7*sizeOfStar, x = (col+.5)*sizeOfStar, y = (2*row+1)*sizeOfStar)

Adam's American Flag with Daddy! :-)

by xxthe_drama_llamaxx

Created 5 years, 7 months ago.