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Do you want to delete “Hi Everyone” permanently? You will not be able to undo this action.
Square(color='blue') ear1 = Circle(width=40, height=45, color='black', x=20, y=28) ear2 = Circle(width=40, height=45, color='clack', x=80, y=28) head = Circle(width=50, height= 50, color='black', x=50, y=55) eye1 = Circle(width=15, height=15, color='white', x=37, y=50) eye2 = Circle(width=15, height=15, color='white', x=61, y=50) #transparency ear2.transparency = 10 eye1.transparency = 20 eye2.transparency = 20 hello = Text(text="Hi Everyone", y=85, font_size=15) #rotation ear1.rotation = -20 ear2.rotation = 20 hello.rotation = -10 hello.color = ['white', 'red'] # gradient # Text shadow hello_shadow = hello.copy(transparency=70) hello_shadow.x -= 1 hello_shadow.y -= 1