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import icons Square(color=['dodgerblue', 'forestgreen']) dve = icons.Dove(width=20, height = 20, x=10, y=10, color="white") tree = icons.Tree(width=30, height = 50, x=60, y=75, color="green") tree = icons.Tree(width=30, height = 50, x=40, y=75, color="green") tree = icons.Tree(width=30, height = 50, x=20, y=75, color="green") tree = icons.Tree(width=30, height = 50, x=80, y=75, color="green") psn = icons.Male(width= 10, height= 20, transparency=100) awd = icons.Award(width=3, height=3, color="gold", transparency=100) crshr = icons.Crosshairs(width=20, height=20, x= 0, transparency=100) with animation(duration=2): dve.x=50 dve.y=50 crshr.transparency=0 with animation(duration=3): crshr.x=50 crshr.y=50 bang = Square(color="white") with animation(duration=0.2): pass bang.transparency=100 with animation(duration=1): dve.color = "red" dve.y = 100 crshr.transparency=100 dve.transparency=100 psn.transparency=0 awd.transparency=0 with animation(duration=2): pass