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Rectangle(color = "pink") Square(color = "red", width =40, height = 70, y = 50) Square(color = "red", width =70, height = 30, y = 50) Square(color = "red", width =60, height = 60, y = 50) import icons from icons import Heart Heart(x=62, y=40, width=12, height=12, color='blak') import icons from icons import Skull Skull(x=36, y=40, width=12, height=12, color='black') import icons from icons import Times Times(x=50, y=65, width=15, height=15, color='black') Line(points=[(30, 85), (30,80), (20, 80), (20, 65), (15,65), (15,35), (20,35), (20,20, (30,20), (30,15), (70,15), (70,20), (80,20), (80, 35), (85,35), (85,65), (80,65), (80,80), (70,80), (70,85), (30,85) ) ], color='black')