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Do you want to delete “Bouncing eyes” permanently? You will not be able to undo this action.
face = Circle(color='tan') pupil1 = Circle(width=20, height=20, x=10, color='white') pupil2 = Circle(width=20, height=20, x=40, color='white') eye1 = Circle(width=5, height=5, x=10, color='black') eye2 = Circle(width=5, height=5, x=40, color='black') with animation(duration=2): eye1.x = 90 pupil1.x = 90 eye2.x = 50 pupil2.x = 50 with animation(duration=0.5): pass with animation(duration=1): eye1.x = 10 pupil1.x = 10 eye2.x = 40 pupil2.x = 40