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import icons Square(color='darkblue') sun = icons.Sun(width=30, height=30, color='orange', x=40, y=80) circle1 = Circle(width = 130, height=70, color='lightgreen', x=100, y=100) circle2 = Circle(width=120, height=60, color='forestgreen', x=10, y=105) cloud1 = icons.Cloud(width=30, height=15, color='white', x=70, y=15) cloud2 = icons.Cloud(width=40, height=25, color='pink', x=0, y=30) cloud3 = icons.Cloud(width=35, height=20, color='red', x=-20, y=20) cloud4 = icons.Cloud(width=40, height=20, color='yellow', x=-60, y=10) with animation(duration=5): sun.rotation=600 cloud1.x=100 cloud2.x=50 cloud3.x=120 cloud4.x=40
by lucykjoyner
Created 1 year, 10 months ago.
Based on Peaceful Meadow
by GradyN.