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num = 10 yellow = [] blue = [] yellow_bg = Square(height=0, color='blue') for i in range(0, num // 2): for j in range(0, num): yellow.append(Square(x=i*(200//num)+(50//num)+(j%2)*(100//num), y=j*(100//num)+(50//num), width=(100//num), height=(100//num), color='yellow')) for i in range(0, num // 2): for j in range(0, num): blue.append(Square(x=i*(200//num)+(150//num)-(j%2)*(100//num), y=j*(100//num)+(50//num), width=(100//num), height=0, color='blue')) with animation(duration=2): for sq in yellow: sq.rotation = 90 for sq in blue: sq.height=(100//num) yellow_bg.height = 100 with animation(duration=2): for sq in blue: sq.rotation = 90
by lucykjoyner
Created 1 year, 7 months ago.
Based on Spinny checkers
by alex.