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Ellipse(width=50, height=15, x=50, y=80 , color = ['pink'] ) Polygon( points=[(40,80), (20,90), (25,80),(20,70), (40,80)], color = ['pink'], ) Polygon( points=[(60,80), (40,65), (50,80),], color = ['pink'], ) Polygon( points=[(70,80), (80,83), (80,77),], color = ['white'], ) Circle(width = 2, height = 3, x=68, y=78, color = 'black') bubble = Circle(width=2, height = 2, x = 75, y = 80, color = 'blue') with animation(duration = 2): bubble.y=0 bubble.width=10 bubble.height=7 bubble.x=50