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import icons icons.Sun (color = "orange", width = 30, height = 30, x = 85, y = 15) icons.Tree(color = "green", width =30, height = 30, x = 15, y = 85) icons.Tree(color = "darkgreen", width =60, height = 60, transparency = 60, x = 30, y = 75) icons.Tree(color = "lightgreen", width = 30, height = 30, x = 50, y = 85) icons.Dog(color = "black",width = 15, height = 15, x = 70, y = 95) icons.Cat(color = "black", width = 10, height = 10, x = 85, y = 95) icons.Tree(color ="green", width = 60, height = 60, transparency = 50, x = 70, y = 75) icons.Cloud(color = "skyblue", width = 30, height =20, x = 20, y = 15) icons.Cloud(color = "skyblue", width = 30, height =20, x = 50, y = 15) Square(color="yellow", transparency = 80) icons.Heart(color="red", width =3, height=3, x =85, y=85, transparency = 40) icons.Heart(color="red", width =3, height=3, x =75, y=80, transparency = 40)