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Rectangle(color='saddlebrown') blue_circle = Circle(width=90, height=90, color='#333', x=35, y=35) yellow_circle = Circle(width=90, height=90, color='#cfc', x=65, y=65) yellow_circle.transparency = 40 t = Text(text='Bella-Pier', transparency=80, color='saddlebrown') t2 = Text(text='Bella-Pier', rotation=5, transparency=70, color='saddlebrown') t3 = Text(text='Bella-Pier', rotation=10, color='saddlebrown') with animation(duration=4): t.rotation = 360 t2.rotation = 365 t3.rotation = 370 blue_circle.color = 'green' with animation(duration=4): t.rotation = 360 t2.rotation = 365 t3.rotation = 370 blue_circle.color = '#333'