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import random background = Rectangle(color=['green', 'cyan']) Line(points=[(50, 10), (51, 10)], color='mediumspringgreen') Line(points=[(10, 80), (11, 80)], color='mediumspringgreen') Line(points=[(90, 80), (91, 80)], color='mediumspringgreen') masp=[[(50, 10), (51, 10)], [(10, 80), (11, 80)], [(90, 80), (91, 80)]] lastpoint = [(40, 40), (41, 40)] for i in range(0, 229): n=int(random.random() * 3) Line(points=lastpoint) lastX=(lastpoint[0][0]+masp[n][0][0])/2 lastY=(lastpoint[0][1]+masp[n][0][1])/2 lastpoint=[(lastX, lastY), (lastX+1, lastY)]