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import icons def fractangle(x, y, w, n, s): k=w/2+w/4 r=w/2 if n%2==1: col=['red', 'blue'] rot=50 else: col=['yellow', 'cyan'] rot=330 if n>0: if s in set('udla'): fractangle (x-k, y, r, n-1, s='l') if s in set('udra'): fractangle (x+k, y, r, n-1, s='r') if s in set('rdla'): fractangle (x, y-k, r, n-1, s='d') if s in set('urla'): fractangle (x, y+k, r, n-1, s='u') icons.Wrench(x=x, y=y, width=w, height=w, color=col, rotation=rot) background = Rectangle(color=['', 'blue']) fractangle(x=50, y=50, w=30, n=4, s='a')